\Osservatorio -


Perfume is the basis of what is perceived; scents and fragrances meet what the eyes see and what one feels on the skin, creating a unique blend of sensations that we can simply call ‘perception.’

This is the philosophy behind this new scent made for Baldi, a global ambassador of Italian luxury and Made in Italy that marries the work of a visionary creator of perfumes, Enzo Galardi. And a new dream is born: To create a line of fragrances that are unique, delicate, incomparable-just like Baldi and its creations.

The result is a group of four limited edition refined essences.


Baldi and Enzo Galardi.

Baldi Home Jewels is a historic company that was founded in 1867. It is specialized in creating things that are beautiful and has become a signature of contemporary luxury, with roots in Italian history. It has continuously transformed with the changing times and life styles, while keeping intact its passion for creating beauty, its passion for precious materials, fine craftsmanship and attention to detail.

The Baldi collections are both lavishly elegant and sophisticated. Baldi’s centuries-old passion for art and beauty is today expressed in four unique fragrances whose names refer to the essences of the precious stones it uses to create its Home Jewels.

A creator of perfumes for over thirty years, Enzo Galardi is the mastermind by this new project. Like a painter, Enzo has expertly applied the unique art of perfume making to create a single tradition of Made in Italy excellence that unites both the expertise of the perfume-making Galardi family and the sense of pure luxury and elegance of the Baldi family.


From the creative genius of Enzo Galardi come the flowing lines of this unique perfume bottle. The minimalist and elegant design contains the essences in a thick glass flacon. On the front of the bottle, the expert hands of Florentine glassmakers make their mark on the glass.


The hand-made method of each bottle makes each one unique. Thus, the Baldi logo, which is expertly chiselled onto the bottle in a slow, repetitive process, becomes as precious as a diamond.


Gold and platinum surround the base, giving it a timeless effect.


The essence is sealed and protected with a natural stopper made of wenge wood, set with a hard stone that is finely carved by hand.


Each stopper is a unique piece, a work of craftsmanship: cut carefully by hand and full of the imperfections that characterize materials like natural wood and stone.




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