\Osservatorio -


Today more than ever Cinzia Bisconti has no doubts. The history of Zecchino D'Oro, the company she has been running after in heriting it from her father Pasquale who founded it over 50 years ago, covers children and the future. In Italy there are many skilled craftsmen. But what features the shoe makers of Zecchino D'Oro and makes each pair of shoes unique manufactured at the factory of Monte San Giusto are the emotion and the great accuracy paid to each model. A passion made of skiul gestures, slow times, stitches of needle and thread, the sound of hammer and the unmistakable smell of leather. Skiful hands give life to beautiful and precious shoes: sandals, ballerinas, baby shoes or boots, ankle-boots, sneakers. Masterpieces that defy time and move those who choose them. They interpret the emotional path lived by children when they play, go to school or have fun at a party. The creative and expressive capacities are present and Zecchino realizes them with a great refinement paid to the smallest details.

Excellent materials like cruts, cowhides, aged leathers and pony-hair coming from the best tanneries are worked with great skill in a refined and contemporary style. These are the successful ingredients of Zecchino D'Oro, a point of reference in the quality children's shoe world, highly appreciated abroad and in Italy for its small masterpieces featuring an updated and international taste.




Zecchino D'OroZecchino D'Oro

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